Strategies for Winning

Most slot players have their strategies for winning. Some may bet the max on all lines, while others may bet the minimum on all lines. And then there are those in-between who start low and gradually increase their bets to the max. (only if they keep winning, of course). I have long said that betting the maximum is the only way to garner high payouts. That is my strategy. Slot tournament players have methods too, but there is a lot more they have to consider. Here are some of the strategies players can use to win tournaments.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice the game first. As mentioned earlier in this guide, you can demo play any game at Liberty Slots and the other tournament casinos. But before you do, select a game you wish to enter and then play that game until you are entirely familiar with the terms and conditions AND the paytable.

Set a Budget

Before entering a slot tournament, check out the games to see what the coin denominations are and adjust your choice accordingly. Because the matches require points, a player can quickly get caught up in the excitement of the game as they try to pass other players. Be careful. Your budget is on the line.

Choose Prize Slot Tournaments

Prize slots tournaments are the best to play, especially if you are on a budget. Moreover, you will have more chances of winning than if you chose the betting tournaments.

Focus on the Game

Remember, the only way to win is to get as many points as you can. Therefore, keep your mouse on that spin button, and don't look away for a second. Pretend you are playing alone while disregarding other players' points. Stay away from the leaderboard.

The PayTable is the Key

When I review slot games, I always make it a point of directing players to the paytable and what it contains. It is vital that before entering a slot tournament, as I iterated earlier, you practice the game and read the paytable, so you know what to expect. Time is money!

Wait a Few Minutes Before Entering the Tournament

Just as with anything else, time is of the essence but not to the detriment of your gameplay. Here's a great example, if you have a streaming service and the movie you are about to watch just came out in theaters, you will most likely find that it will take several minutes for you to get to the service and the movie itself. Likewise, when thousands or hundreds gather to watch a film or play a slot tournament, it could take several minutes until any one of them begins.

Players Need Split Second Timing

I have played many games, including slots wherein I didn't have to use the mouse but instead the space button on my keyboard. In some cases, that may be true, but in slot tournaments, it is best to check out the game and figure out the fastest way you can hit that spin button. More wins equal more points.

Check the Return to Player as Your Chosen Slot Tournament Game

Most slot players know about the RTP. However, the percentage of the game can play a crucial role in accumulating points. Therefore, check the RTP for the games shown in the slot tournament, and pick the highest one within your budget.

Ensure You are Playing all Paylines

Even though you may be on a budget and cannot afford the max bet, it is vital that whatever you bet is for all pay lines.

How You Play the Game is Just as Important as Winning

It's not the winning that you should focus on, but the way to get there. It's like the old saying, "it's not the destination, but the journey."